Our society has evolved with three views on how to behave. The first view – virtue ethics – is that there are various virtues such as diligence, courage and honesty; and the individual should act in accordance with these virtues. The second view – consequentialism – is that results determine right from wrong, so that behaviour is considered good or bad depending on the consequences of one's actions; and so to be rich is to be good, and to be poor is a moral failing. The final view – deontology – is that one should follow the rules and obey the duties that society imposes upon the individual. Those societal rules however are internally inconsistent, as the explicit rules are typically based on communal virtues, while the unspoken and unmentioned rules are based on the results for the individual himself. As the world of geopolitics is nihilist in nature and has no virtue beyond power and survival these Typically the masses are by various means made to follow virtue ethics or deontology, while the powerful increase their own power in accorance with consequentialism. In the modern world this pattern is probably almost universal, as evolutionary pressure on societies forces consequentialism upon them (The strong do as they please, while the weak suffer because they must Thucydides) and thus the elite that determines their policy, while internal stability demands internal harmony. Within our society this leads to a conflict of between the social classes, which has been made time we have seen this lead to various conflicts such as between capital and labour and between capital and democracy. This inconsistency and its consequences within our society is taboo, which makes a shared understanding of desired behaviours

In practice these views can